Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Parenthood Struggle

Have you ever found yourself worrying unnecessarily about your little ones? Stress and anxiety introduced themselves to my life once I became a parent. Mommy stress is something that people don't tell you before having children. 

Not necessarily just the stress of taking care of someone who relies on you for EVERYTHING, but the stress of making sure she can and will be everything she wants to be in life. 

When looking back on my upbringing, I understand that some of my stress comes from my own childhood. As I think back on things that stand out to me, I sometimes tend to overcompensate with my daughter due to my own negative childhood experiences. Becoming aware of this reality allows me to now recognize when those experiences present themselves in my parenting style. 

What are some things you have learned about yourself since becoming a parent? How do you manage through those challenges?

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