Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Business of Social Media

We are often asked about how we started in the social media business. The honest truth is that it fell into our lap. I posted a video of Madison on my personal Facebook page, and the rest is history!

There are many positives that come with being a social media influencer. At only six years old, Madison has had the opportunity to have many experiences that I could only dream about growing up. She's traveled across the U.S. and has met many influential people. 

She has also been able to earn money towards her college fund, by simply being herself, which is something that I never would have thought was possible. 

Unfortunately, with those positives comes many challenges. There are people who won't support your decisions; naysayers who don't understand your logic. There will also be internet "Trolls" who go out of their way to leave negative comments. We personally manage through the negative by staying true to who we are and what we represent while reminding ourselves of why we started this journey in the first place. You can't stop all the negative from coming your way, but you can find solace in the fact that you are living your life, your way. 

My top 6 suggestions for anyone looking to become an influencer are: 

1. Identify your "thing" - What are passionate about? What do you love? What are you good at?

2. Choose your main platform (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, etc) - Our platform of choice is Instagram followed by Facebook. It works for us because the accounts are connected and I don't have to create two separate posts. 

3. Engage with your audience - They are your supporters, so it's important that you show them love back!

4. Take cues from your audience - Your level of engagement will give you an idea of what your audience likes/want to see from you (i.e.videos, pics, etc). They are not just numbers. If you want social media to work for you, you have to take heed to what your audience is responding to. 

5. Stay true to who you are - Stay authentic to who you are. It's ok to participate in the latest trends as long as they don't compromise your integrity or conflict with who you truly are. It will make you uncomfortable, and your audience will notice it too!

6. It's ok to say NO! - This goes hand in hand with number five, but remember, part of the business is filtering out requests/proposals. Remember, not all money is good money. If it compromises who you are, does not represent your brand, not paying you what you're worth, or goes against your personal beliefs, it's OK to say no!

Ultimately, the key to success in the business of social media is to stay true to your authentic self. As challenging as that can be when you are in the thick of it, stay true to who you are. Your true followers will recognize the authenticity and the love will soon follow.


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